This translation is an effort from a Spanish reader to present Don Quixote in English to the current audiences. For this, a brilliant translation from Edith Grossman, published in 2003, has served as a backbone. My work is based also on Francisco Rico’s Spanish version (2005), available online, and it takes into consideration the classic of John Ormsby (1885).

The intention is to add a touch of local knowledge from a Spaniard who think Don Quixote encompasses all stories in one.

Edith Grossman’s notes are preceded with the suffix ‘EG-‘ as in the printed book. Other notes are numbered starting with the number 1, as footnotes in each chapter.

This digital edition uses the annotation tool Hypothesis to let readers annotate the text directly on screen. It is free and open to use (see how to use it).

Illustrations are from Ricardo Balaca (1844-1880) and Josep Lluis Pellicer (1842-1901) made for the 1880 edition by Nicolás Díaz de Benjumea (1829-1884).

Additionally, at the beginning of each chapter there is a link to the Spanish version from Francisco Rico‘s edition for Instituto Cervantes (see image link below):


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This work (Don Quixote of la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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