Chapter 6: Knowledge Integration

Case Study 1: Adult Client (continued)

1. Which findings are considered abnormal for this adult client? What medical terminology is used to define/label these findings?

  • The temperature is higher than expected: hyperthermia/febrile (> 37.3°C)
  • The pulse in lying position is within normal limits, but in the sitting and standing position, the pulse is elevated and is identified as tachycardia (> than 100 bpm)
  • The pulse increased more than 20 bpm and the systolic BP decreased more than 20 mm Hg when the client moved from lying to standing, indicating orthostatic hypotension
  • The pulse is weak and thready at 1+ force, which is abnormal
  • The respiration rate is high: tachypnea (> 20 bpm)
  • The oxygen saturations are slightly low (< 97%)

2. What further assessment should the healthcare provider do based on this adult client’s findings?

Continue to assess for signs of dehydration:

  • Dry mucous membranes
  • Poor skin turgor
  • Decreased and concentrated urine output

3. What actions should the healthcare provider take based on this adult client’s findings?

  • Notify the most responsible provider such as the physician or nurse practitioner.
  • If you are the most responsible provider, discuss and initiate treatments such as fluid rehydration.
Go to the next page to start Case Study 2.


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Vital Sign Measurement Across the Lifespan by Ryerson University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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